How can 100% recycled plastic bottles help our planet?
Stop creating new waste by using recycled plastic bottles It can reduce CO2 emissions and reduce the amount of plastic waste that has the potential to escape into the sea. The amount equals the weight of 10 million cans.
The amount of plastic waste right now is so large that it is difficult to manage. It is difficult to allocate enough landfill space. A large amount of garbage has escaped into the sea. And what's more is the burning of garbage that most people like to practice. affecting the global climate Therefore, there has been a trend to save the world in the past few years. by turning to a cloth bag Paper or natural materials to reduce the use of plastic (reduce), which is an alternative solution. The problem at the root is reuse (reuse), for example, using the product in the refill bag to fill the existing plastic bottle. Including not forgetting to bring those bottles back into the recycling system (recycle) again according to the principle of 3R (Reduce Reuse Recycle).
Therefore, the “recycled bottle” is the use of old bottles or plastic scraps in the household. into the process of processing plastic scraps to be used again and the bottles obtained from this recycling Once used, they can be recycled again and again. to reduce waste generation and reduce the production of new plastic
Almawin recognizes the importance of environment and ecosystems around the world. Therefore, it has initiated the production of bottles from 100% recycled plastic since 2015, which is a launch before other brands. And it was before recycled plastic bottles were widely used in Germany. so we call it A true “environmental care innovator”
Plastic bottle recycling process
Plastic can be recycled time and time again. A closed cycle continues to maintain the value of the material. and it's a small step important in the fight against environmental problems. The PE plastic is recycled into white bottles. and PET plastic will become a clear, colorless bottle.

Sort, wash: plastic bottles in the recycling bin. will be sorted by type and clean to enter the recycling system in the next process
Crush, Melt: The recycling plant will crush and shred plastic bottles. that has been cleaned into small pieces of plastic Then it is melted into plastic pellets.
Forming : Plastic pellets will be molded. It is a bottle of various shapes, such as a bottle of laundry detergent. fabric softener, etc.
Ready-to-use recycled bottles : Recycled bottles in perfect, ready-to-use condition are sent back to various vendors. to pack products for sale
Benefits of recycling from Almawin can help the world and the environment as follows
Reduce the amount of waste equivalent to 10 million cans by using household plastic waste that may escape into the sea. Instead of using new plastic made from crude oil refining.
Reduce production of new plastic bottles by more than 200,000 kilograms by using recycled plastic bottles and refill bags.
Reduce energy consumption and raw materials for the production of new plastics.
Significant reduction in carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions
Increase the landfill area Because recycled waste is recycled properly. So there is space left for other types of landfills.

Almawin recycled bottles
Almawin 100% recycled plastic bottles are made from German household plastic. No industrial plastics are used. This ensures that no chemical contamination remains on the bottle. The bottle of Almawin at home may have a chance to come back to the new bottle you are using.
In addition, we still maintain the concept (concept) organic and vegan (Vegan), so the label on all types of Almawin bottles. Therefore, it is printed with natural, crude-free inks. and attached with plant-based vegan glue to ensure that in the future The amount of plastic waste in the world will not increase any more. That's why we use 100% recycled PE or PET plastic bottles to incentivize the recycling industry. Friendly to the browser (consumer-friendly) and is known as a protector of the environment.

Almawin cleaning products high cleaning efficiency with organic ingredients Free from natural chemicals It does not contain bleach or fluorescent agents, so it is resistant to skin and leaves no residue that causes allergic reactions or irritation. Suitable for sensitive skin or baby skin that needs special care. Tested by a dermatologist with certificates from GREEN BRAND, VEGAN SOCIETY, ECO GARANTIE